Monday, February 12, 2007

Stuck: The Life & Times of a Corporate Stooge

The idea for Stuck was bore out of our experiences within the walls of a Fortune 500 Corporation.

Each of us came from a different background and life story, but all ended up sitting side by side imprisoned by the tall grey walls of an office cubicle. These are our stories, some real, some fictitious, but all based on life as a Corporate Stooge.

Please enjoy the opportunity to read our stories and our experiences.

Stuck Culture

When we find time to leave the confines of our cubicles we tend to escape into film, music, and literature. These are our reviews of those films, albums, and book that allow us to forget who we are and what our life consists of.

Stuck Relationships

This site is dedicated to love, sex, and all other scenarios which might get you in trouble, morally speaking.

Some of it is advice by those who have stepped into the fire, some of it is the stories of love won and lost, but most of what is written are the ramblings of those who believe they know what they are talking about.

Enjoy at our expense!

Stuck Politics & Religion

Politically Correct has no business entering. Here within, where Cunning and Wit ensnarl the vivid Passions of Humanity and Spirituality. Sentences cut through deeply rooted beliefs, alter perceptions and shake the very foundations of the soul. For while the Pen has proven mightier than the Sword, the Pen shall forever remain nothing more than a tool for its master.
Holiest and Mightiest Controller of all human thought and behavior.

Welcome to the Fray.

Stuck Sports

All that is good, bad, and ugly about sport.

Commentary on sports figures, athletic events, and stories from the world of amateur competition.

Stuck Fiction

The Experiences turned to Story.
Elaborated upon time and time again...
until no longer recognizable, they become Legend.

Enscribed henceforth... Bedtime Reading,

Igniting Imagination and Dreams.
May All Enjoy... or Hate,

Matters Not but that Emotion be Startled,
be Awoken,

be Present and Aware.